
(The bathroom offers so many opportunities to save the planet.
And I am going to show how this can be done by taking you through
a typical bathroom day in our house.
This poem may be sung to Chuck Berry’s “ Hey Hey Rock & Roll”)

Up in the morning and off to school,
The teacher is teaching the golden rule.
You use less water if you take a shower
But just four minutes not half an hour.
Leave in the bath plug as you scrub
Washing yesterday’s undies in the tub.

Dry yourself on a medium towel
No hair dryer needed at this hour
Brush your teeth in a cup of water
Explain these tips to your youngest daughter
Happily listening to the radio
But one please only, not all on the go.

Hey hey save the planet
When it comes to the loo try and pan it.
Half a flush when you do a pee
Full flush only for that faece
Use the loo just twice a day.
Rest of the time cross your legs and pray

Here are some other things to try
Recycled toilet paper, one or two ply
The electric toothbrush has to quit
Elbow grease is really it.
And just before you close the door
You don’t really need to heat the floor